Rock the Colorado Cosmetology Written Exam 2024 – Beautify Your Career Today!

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What is the inhibition layer in UV gels?

A layer that enhances shine

A tacky surface that forms while curing

When UV gels are exposed to ultraviolet light for curing, an inhibition layer forms on the surface due to a chemical reaction. This layer has a tacky texture and is often referred to as the "sticky layer." It serves as a protective barrier during the curing process, but it needs to be removed or wiped off before applying any top coat or additional layers. Option A is incorrect because UV gels do not typically contain any ingredients that directly enhance shine. Option C is incorrect because the inhibition layer is not a protective coating that remains on the nail after curing. Option D is incorrect because moisturizing components are not involved in the formation of the inhibition layer.

A protective coating

A moisturizing component


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